Mission Statement and Benefits


We are intent upon serving, assisting, supporting and helping to heal as many people and animals as we possibly can. For those of us who channel Reiki Healing Energy, it feels like we are channeling Pure Love, and after all, Love is what heals. We also encourage each of you who are curious or feel yourselves drawn to the life of a healer, to see if becoming a Reiki Master fits into your Life Plan. The more Reiki Masters, the more Healing, Love, Joy and Peace in the world. 

We are also intent upon funding Food Forests which involve Permaculture which revitalizes, renews and regenerates land in addition to feeding generations to come. We feel this is one of the most important ways we can give back and help to heal our planet. 


  • Free lifetime membership. Your membership account is automatically created for you with your first purchase. 

  • No appointment needed. We send Reiki Healing Energy and Powerful Prayers daily, just choose the level of service you prefer. 

  • Ability to cancel and renew service on a monthly basis as needed, which works well for anyone who has intermittent or fluctuating income.

  • The value of the monthly recurring service is tremendous: $450 monthly value for $15/month; $750 monthly value for $25/month; and $1050 monthly value for $35/month. Our clients who choose the monthly recurring service invest in themselves by paying once per month and receiving 30 times their investment. They are receiving Reiki Healing Energy and/or Powerful Prayers each and every day for each month they invest in our service. 

  • Feeling of being Loved and Supported daily while facing painful issues, challenges and traumas. 

  • Our Reiki service works well for anyone curious about experiencing the benefits of Reiki. 


True Healing happens in layers and levels and may take some time.

Please understand that true healing happens in layers and levels and may take some time. Sometimes a client is not yet ready to fully let go of an issue, even though it may be painful. Also, please understand that each of us heal ourselves, but it sure is nice to receive that Love and Support that makes the difference when we are facing so much, feeling alone and overwhelmed. 

Be open to Receive for the Highest and Greatest Good.

Please understand that it is important to be open to receive for the Highest and Greatest Good. What if we sent you the most awesome Love, Support, Powerful Prayers and Reiki Healing Energy you could possibly imagine, but you did not open yourself to receive it? How would that benefit you? So please be open to receive what we are sending and the way to do that is simply by your powerful intention to be open to receive for the Highest and Greatest Good. You can say this phrase every day if you like or once every couple of days will be fine. "I am open to receive for the Highest and Greatest Good." 

Give your Permission to the Angels to assist you.

Please realize that we all have Free Will and the Angels and other Divine Beings that wish to assist you cannot violate your Free Will. So please give the Angels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Fairies and other Beings of the Highest Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love and Light your permission to assist you with Divine Love, Divine Abundance, Divine Healing, Divine Guidance, Divine Assistance, and Divine Intervention as needed. You can state the following as you feel it necessary. "I give my permission to the Angels, Ascended Masters, my Spirit Guides and other Beings of the Highest Resonance of Divine Unconditional Love and Light to Divinely Assist me, Guide me, Heal me, and Divinely Intervene as needed for my Highest and Greatest Good."

Each Individual is on his or her own Spiritual Healing Journey.

Please understand that each individual is on his or her own Spiritual healing journey within his or her own timing. It is important to allow an individual to walk his or her Sacred path as it relates to his or her Soul plan. A Soul ultimately knows what it is doing and will ultimately get to where it is going, but that does not mean a Soul does not appreciate Love, Support and Kindness along the way. There is a saying, "Even Illumined Masters dare not tread on the Sacred Path of another." 

Please do not send us any emails with Prayer Requests.

Please understand that all your Intentions and Thoughts are known by your Soul, your Spirit Guides, the Angels, the Universe and Source/God. The Universe is always listening. Nothing is hidden. So please understand that you do not need to email us your prayer requests. You just need to state your Intentions and your Soul, Spirit Guides and Angels will know what you need and desire. So all prayer requests can be done within your own mind. No need to send any of them to us. Thank you for your understanding as we have a small staff who does not prefer to be overwhelmed with millions of emails which could cause a backlog. Thank you. 


So by partaking of our services, you will be receiving boosters of Reiki Healing Energy, Love, Comprehensive Powerful Prayers and Support, Well Wishes and so much more.  We are that lifeline, that support, that Love that all of us need to feel, to be empowered to take those steps that may be a little scary or outside of our comfort zone, or may bring changes we are not sure we are ready for. Allow us the opportunity to be that Lifeline and Loving Support for you.